We are divorce lawyers, mediators + arbitrators
who help families resolve their disputes, as efficiently as possible.
We can help you in three ways:

1. Advice
Get upfront legal advice from us at an Assessment

2. Representation
Hire us to represent you, in or out of court

3. Med + Arb
Appoint us as your private mediator + arbitrator
1. We offer one-on-one legal advice at our Balbi Assessment.
When scheduling your Balbi Assessment, you can choose or have your lawyer recommended. All of our divorce lawyers will assess your legal situation and give you upfront legal advice and then, as part of the advice, we:
✔ Identify your legal issues
✔ Explain your legal rights
✔ Discuss your resolution options
✔ Recommend tips and strategies
✔ Provide valuable resources
✔ Help you start your resolution plan
✔ Answer your questions
The Assessment is packed full of the information and resources to help you decide your next steps. Moreover, it’s confidential and tailored to you. Because it’s a stand-alone service, you don’t need to permanently hire us to have an Assessment. Also, our Assessment is a flat-fee.
2. We can represent you on all divorce issues, in and out of Court.
From kitchen-table agreements to Court, and everything in between, we can represent you in the process that is right for your family. Whether your matter is straightforward or complex, you’re a business owner, employee or stay-at-home parent, you’re just starting out or retired, our divorce lawyers are responsive to your specific circumstances and legal needs.
Our Practice Areas
Your Resolution Options
We also draft Prenuptial and Cohabitation Agreements, Wills, Powers of Attorney and Personal Directives to help you plan for your future, and can help to formalize your family with stepparent adoption.
We start all our new client relationships with an Assessment because the Balbi Assessment is a great opportunity for us to get to know each other.
3. We can be your mediator + arbitrator.
As your mediator, we are a neutral third-party expert that helps to facilitate productive settlement discussions between you and your spouse. Mediation is non-binding, so settlements are reached by agreement only.
As your arbitrator, we are a neutral, third-party expert who will hear and decide your legal case. Arbitration is binding, which gives you the finality to move forward.
You also have the option to combine mediation and arbitration into a 2-step process. First is mediation, where you resolve as many issues by agreement as you can and then the second step is arbitration, where any unresolved issues are then decided. Your mediator in step one and your arbitrator in step two can be the same person.
Both mediation and arbitration are private, confidential and voluntary processes.