Legal Workshops
In the fall of 2006, Balbi & Company started offering exclusive free teleconference workshops for our clients to attend. Legal workshops were hosted on various topics and are intended to help clients gain support, information, and understanding of the Family Law process, issues, and how Balbi & Company can assist you. We aren’t currently offering new workshops. If you have any questions about the resources listed below, or you need further legal advice, please contact us.
Left-click on the date of the seminar you want to hear or right-click and choose “Save Target As…” to save it to your computer.
March 10, 2021 | “Job Loss During COVID-19” – Hosted by Lonny Balbi, Q.C. |
“Section Seven Expenses, A Fall Refresher” Hosted by Lily Rabinovitch | |
January 10, 2018 | “Is There an App For That?” Hosted by Ceri Chwieros |
November 1, 2017 | “Protecting Children’s Brain Development during Separation” Hosted by Tera Yates |
September 13, 2017 | “Got baggage? How to navigate your emotional journey to resolution” Hosted by Lily Rabinovitch with special guests and psychologists, April Byers and Brian Shustack |
April 5, 2017 | “Bankruptcy: Sexually Transmitted Debt” Hosted by Ceri Chwieros |
February 22, 2017 | “Parental Alienation: Red Flags” Hosted by Ceri Chwieros |
December 7, 2016 | “Severance Packages: Are They Income or Assets?” Hosted by Tera Yates |
October 12, 2016 | “Resolution: How to Cross the Finish Line Without Running in Circles” Hosted by Lily Rabinovitch |
May 11, 2016 | “Don’t be Out of Line Online. The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media and online Communication in your Family Matter” Hosted by Lily Rabinovitch |
Mar. 9, 2016 | “I Have Lost my Job. What Now?” Hosted by Ceri Chwieros |
Jan. 13, 2016 | “The Do’s and Don’ts of Parenting after you Separate” Hosted by Ceri Chwieros |
Nov. 18, 2015 | “Mediation/Arbitration. What is it? Is it right for me?” Hosted by Lonny Balbi, Q.C. |
Sept. 9, 2015 | “What the Heck do we do with Debt?” Hosted by Tera Yates |
May 13, 2015 | “New Rules on Child Support Recalculation” Hosted by Ceri Chwieros, with special guest Angela Kerr |
Mar. 11, 2015 | “Domestic Violence” Hosted by Tera Yates |
Jan. 14, 2015 | “New Year’s Eve Tune-Up ” Hosted by Lonny Balbi, Q.C. with special guest Scott Booth of Jenkins Marzban Logan LLP |
Jun. 11, 2014 | “Make the Tax Man Pay: Tax Tips for Family Law Clients” Hosted by Lonny Balbi, Q.C. with special guest Lance Clark of BDO Dunwoody LLP |
Apr. 2, 2014 | “How to Ensure Your Children’s Future: Contributing to RESPs” Hosted by Crystal Thompson with special guest Dave Simpson of RBC Dominion Securities |
Jan. 9, 2013 | “New Year’s Tune-Up” Hosted by Lonny Balbi, Q.C. with special guest Sheila Cameron, Q.C. of Actus Law Droit |
Sept. 5, 2012 | “Can I Move with the Kids? An examination of mobility in Family Law” Hosted by Tera Yates with special guest Rollie Thompson, Q. C. of Dalhousie University’s Schulich School of Law |
Jan. 11, 2012 | “Innovative Ways to Solve Your Divorce” Hosted by Lonny Balbi, Q.C. with special guest Dinyar Marzban, Q.C. of Jenkins Marzban Logan LLP of Vancouver |
Nov. 9, 2011 | “Rebuilding After Separation or Divorce” Hosted by Crystal Thompson with special guest Lori Landels of Rebuilding Calgary. |
Sept. 7, 2011 | Hollywood Blockbuster! “Living in Sin – The Break-up” Featuring Kelly Wright and Ceri Chwieros |
Dec. 1, 2010 | “Writing it Right with Wright” Hosted by Kelly Wright. Special Guest Kathy MacDonald from the Calgary Police Department |
Oct. 27, 2010 | “Child Support Recalculation Program” Hosted by Ceri Chwieros. Special guest Angela Kerr of MEP |
May 12, 2010 | “What is collaborative law and will it work for you” Featuring Crystal Thompson |
Mar. 10, 2010 | “When does it end – do I have to keep paying for my kids after they are 18?” Hosted by Tera Yates |
Jan. 13, 2010 | “Parental Alienation – How Parents Are Screwing Up Their Kids” Hosted by Lonny Balbi, Q.C. Featuring special guest psychologist, Dr. Gary Kneier. |
Jun. 10, 2009 | “Show Me the Money” – Figuring Out Income for Support Purposes. Hosted by Lonny Balbi, Q.C. with Special Guest Brenda Pask, CV, CBA, local expert |
May 13, 2009 | “What Goes Up, Must Come Down” Hosted by Crystal Thompson |
Mar. 11, 2009 | “Cool Tools for Parents and Children of Divorce” Hosted by Tera Yates |
Feb. 11, 2009 | “Daycare Deductions and Other Tax Treats” Hosted by Ceri Chwieros with Special Guests Lance Clark and Rick Leaker of BDO Dunwoody LLP in Edmonton |
Jan. 13, 2009 | “New Year’s Tune Up” Hosted by Lonny Balbi, Q.C. |
Dec. 10, 2008 | “My Ex is Driving Me Crazy, How Do I Keep My Cool” Hosted by Ceri Chwieros and special guest Lorri Yasenik from Rocky Mountain Psychological Services |
Nov. 12, 2008 | “Peace in the Home–Planning Christmas Access” Hosted by Tera Yates with special guest Jennifer Cooper |
Oct. 8, 2008 | “Avoid These Mistakes in Your Finances After Your Divorce” Hosted by Crystal Thompson. Special Guest Andrea Andersen from Edward Jones Investing |
Sept. 10, 2008 | “Spousal Support and You” Featuring Lonny Balbi, Q.C. |
Apr. 16, 2008 | “Tips and Techniques for Successful Mediation” Featuring Tera Yates with special guest Judge Michael Porter |
Mar. 19, 2008 | “Tips for Divorceproofing Gifts of Cash or Property to Your Adult Children” Featuring Ceri Chwieros |
Feb. 13, 2008 | “The Britney Spears Meltdown: Kids and Divorce” Featuring Lonny Balbi, Q.C. |
Jan. 9, 2008 | “Unequal Division of Property-Is It Always Equal?” Featuring Lonny Balbi, Q.C. and Crystal Thompson |
Dec. 12, 2007 | “Smart Ways of Resolving Conflict” Featuring Lonny Balbi, Q.C. and Marla Miller |
Nov. 21, 2007 | “The Worst Christmas Gift” Featuring Lonny Balbi, Q.C. and Debbie Yungwirth |
Jun. 13, 2007 | “Divorce on a Budget: Keeping Your Legal Costs in Check” Featuring Lonny Balbi, Q.C. and Grant Gold from Toronto, Ontario |
May 9, 2007 | “Shacking Up – 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Living Together”Featuring Crystal Thompson |
Mar. 14, 2007 | “High Conflict People in Legal Disputes” Featuring Lonny Balbi, Q.C. and Bill Eddy |
Jan. 10, 2007 | “New Year’s Tune-Up” Featuring Lonny Balbi, Q.C. and Crystal Thompson |
Dec. 13, 2006 | “The 10 Big Secrets You and Your Friends Should Know Before Someone Decides to Separate” Featuring Lonny Balbi, Q.C. and Ceri Chwieros |
Nov. 8, 2006 | “Top 10 Tips when Taking Your Child Across the Border” Featuring Julia Cornish from Halifax, Nova Scotia. |
Oct. 18, 2006 | “Practical Strategies for Revising Your Child Support Annually”Featuring Ceri Chwieros |
Sept. 13, 2006 | “New Law Affects Everyone” Canada Supreme Court Ruling on Retroactive Child Support Featuring Lonny Balbi, Q.C. |