Disclaimer: our website contains general information only. It is not legal advice and does not replace the need for you to meet with a lawyer.
Your legal matter is unique and requires advice from a lawyer who knows your specific facts and circumstances in order to advise you on how the information we refer to on our site and other information may apply to you specifically.
The law is immense. We do not include all issues, aspects, factors, advantages, risks, or considerations on our website. Instead, we provide an overview of select legal areas and mention examples of common things to think about.
It is important that you speak with a lawyer. Our website does not replace the need for you to do so. You cannot reply to the information on our website to support your case.
The links and third party information posted on our site is not a recommendation by us, nor do we specifically verify third party information. Instead, we provide third party links and information, like from the Alberta Courts, as a possible resource and require you to assess its applicability to you and your family.
Please contact us with any questions you have regarding the information on our site and this disclaimer.